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Welcome to AZZIFF Clothing, the T-Shirt community where you can become part of the next big trend in graphic tees.

AZZIFF T-Shirts offer you a unique style of collections. You can collect all the content to a particular Front all in the same coloured T-Shirt or you can change it up & start a collection of 1 of each Front (there are 12 Fronts) with your favorite back from each collection. Each T-Shirt design is printed on high quality cotton using environmentally friendly inks and the most advanced printing methods.

About AZZIFF Clothing!

AZZIFF Clothing inspires all ages & genders to wear a different T-Shirt DAILY. T-Shirts that can describe how you may be feeling about yourself, or about what is going on in or around your life on any given day. Custom T-Shirt collections that dare to have every conversation. T-Shirts that communicate. T-Shirts that communicate about social justice, social issues & social conscience. T-Shirts that have the conversation about what is Trending, what is popular & what is not. Custom T-Shirt collections that have the conversation about Every Day, Every Occasion & Every Attitude.

How you feel about yourself, your partner, your sibling or other family members, your friends or what about a particular social issue or perhaps what is currently trending.

Tell someone what you really think of them. Say what’s on your mind. MAKE A ST8MENT on a T-Shirt!

Some Selections on offer are designed to be somewhat provocative with suggestive connotations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By becoming a member you will generate a UNIQUE MEMBERS ID #No: upon joining. This is your very own UNIQUE ID #No:

As a member you will be entitled to a ‘FREE’ ( I Luv . . . AZZIFF Clothing ) T-Shirt after you have purchased your 10th T-Shirt. Your UNIQUE MEMBERS ID #No: will be printed on the back below the AZZIFF LOGO on a white T. The only way to get one of these LOGO T’s is by being a MEMBER & purchasing 10 T’s. AZZIFF Clothing will contact you when you have reached your 10th purchase. Go to ‘FREEBIES’ tab to see the style & setup of the collector T.